International Perfume Foundation announces Lavender Essential Oil Judging for Year 2016

lavender fields

International Perfume Foundation (IPF) Founder and Chair Creezy Courtoy announced the first in a series of IPF Natural Perfumery Teacher’s Academy events: Lavender Sommelier Essential Oil Judging. These educational programs are designed to develop effective distillation techniques and recognize quality lavender essential oils. The initial Lavender Sommelier™ Essential Oil Judging event taking place this month is open  to all US distillers.

More Sommelier Essential Oil Training and Judging events are planned to include essential oils distilled worldwide. Essential oils will be judged by an independent panel of experts with over 65 years in the lavender business among them. The overall purpose is to improve the quality of distilled essential oilworldwide. The event will be hosted by well-known distiller Mesha Munyan.

“There is a growing desire for high quality, unadulterated lavender essential oils,” explained Ms Munyan. “We need to put our hard work and expertise forward through professional recognition in this first annual US judging of lavender essential oils.”

Mesha Munyan photos

Mesha Munyan has been actively researching this evaluation process in many countries over the last 20 years. She has become an established authority on lavender essential oils, an award winning distiller, member of the Teacher’s Academy and a recognized nose in the natural fragrance world. She employed her Master’s degree in the development of the Lavender Sommelier™ educational training system to apply to many other essential oils used in natural perfumery.

For more International Perfume Foundation events, visit

Lavender miracles