How to grow fresh products in the heart of your kitchen

@La Grangette designed by Pininfarina;

This new home gardening living experience brings you fresh salads, and plants for seasonings, sauces, healthy juices, cocktails, and teas.

Lifestyles are changing, solutions must be at your fingertips, just as simple as it can be. La Grangette is a complete ecosystem that ensures a seamless interaction that takes care of every aspect of the home gardening experience; from planting, auto-growth monitoring and harvesting, to ordering seed refills, to auto-cleaning.

La Grangette is complementary to other sources of agriculture, just think that when outside climate is hard for plants, La Grangette climate is always fitting the best conditions for your plants.

@La Grangette;

The extraordinary smart technology allows to grow plants for food use without wastes, recreating the optimal conditions for each of them to reach full maturity. The interaction system designed by Pininfarina allows users to interact with the device through a system of lights and colors that activates in a smart way, guiding them during the various phases of the life of the plants, thus indicating the most favorable position for a healthy growth or the perfect moment for harvesting.

The home farming system  has the space to grow 64 plants together, the equivalent to maximum 4 people needs. Another advantage is that the plants grow 2 or 3 times faster than traditional agriculture.

@La Grangette;

The only hydroponics home gardening device with AI at its core.

With the mission of providing fresh, locally grown products while respecting the planet, the La Grangette provides the most innovative means to help you take care of your plants and your own health.

Starting from the idea of innovating in the domain of agriculture through tech, and the founder family heritage of sustainability and caring, La Grangette was shaped around as the only hydroponics home gardening device with AI at its core. Pininfarina supported La Grangette end-to-end, by defining the most desirable value proposition in respect to viable maket positionings, across all phases of the product development all the way to a successful market entry strategy.

All throughout the journey, the product, service, interface and business design iterations had been supported by regular user-evaluation sessions, both via tangible and intangible (digital and VR) mock-ups. At the end of this first phase of a long journey, Pininfarina shaped with La Grangette all the tools necessary to support the startup fundraising process and business interactions with investors.

@La Grangette designed by Pininfarina;

How it works:

Order your refills and seed them in the suggested slot by your Grangette. The vertical farming system offers a curated and large selection of organic seeds. Let the smart device handle the perfect growth ecosystem. Assisted by its fully automated environment, relax and just watch it grow.

Open with a flick of a finger and discover the pleasure of growing plants in the heart of your indoor home.

The seed refill shipped price will vary from 2 to 4 €.

@La Grangette;