Half a tennis court is perfectly sufficient for this new hybrid-electric VTOL/ STOL aircraft to land




@Manta Aircraft

Manta by Swiss engineering design and technology company Manta Aircraft is a high-performance hybrid VTOL/STOL aircraft (vertical and short take-off and landing) designed for personal mobility with wide regional range. 

In order to translate Urban Air Mobility concepts into reality, a number of projects were developed for megacities, all relying on the promising “electrification” of aircraft propulsion provided by more and more efficient and powerful electric motors fed by energy storage systems based on a new generation of chemical batteries.

@Manta Aircraft

The mating of these new propulsion systems with different material, structural, aerodynamic and avionic technologies gave, in turn, origin to over 200 projects of a novel “electric vertical aviation” symbolized by the acronym eVTOL (electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing). In this multi-faceted panorama, Manta Aircraft ANN family of aircraft distinguishes itself by the HeV/STOL trademark, that puts it on the very forward edge of personal and regional air mobility services, as it means Hybrid-electric Vertical or Short Take-Off and Landing, highlighting the capability to operate vertically from helipads or from very short airstrips.

Hybrid propulsion means that these aircraft are free of ground services for recharging batteries, because the electric energy is continuously fed by the generator run by a gas turbine, and this energy abundance is exploited in terms of flight safety, high speed and long range performances.

@Manta Aircraft

A breed of Hybrid-electric Vertical and Short Take-off and Landing (HeV/STOL) aircraft.

It means that they can take-off and land vertically when needed, but also operate from very short airstrips with considerably higher payload. Their hybrid propulsion allows higher performance in terms of longer endurance and range, and their airplane-like airframe allows for higher speed and climb performance in safer flying conditions.

There are two versions: a single-seater called MODEL ANN1 and MODEL ANN2, a two-seat model for personal air mobility with wide regional range at high speed. These aircrafts can also be developed in the “utility” category with versions for special purposes such as environment surveillance, emergency assistance, search and rescue or any other special operations.

@Manta Aircraft