Pizza ecstasy with Kobe Beef Steak pizza

For those seeking an interesting dining experience and taste bud titillation, Domino’s Pizza, the world’s largest pizza delivery service, launched in Japan a “luxury” pizza topped with Kobe beef for the price of about $66.

The Kobe Beef Steak Pizza is topped with potato, onion, steak sauce and the star ingredient — Kobe beef, known worldwide for its marbling characteristics and naturally enhanced, flavor, tenderness, and juiciness. The pricey new pizza is available for a limited time until mid-January.

Curious food fanatics from English-language news site RocketNews24 tasted the Domino’s beef-infused offering.

“When taking a bite, the juices from the meat spill over into the surrounding ingredients, blending in with the oil from the cheese to create a sense of flavoured harmony. At first, the idea of mixing cheese from a junk pizza with high-grade beef may make many a little hesitant, but the combination of the two and the taste that lingers on the palate are spot-on!” said a member of rocketnews24 staff.

“The beef here really is sublime! From the first bite, the pure tastiness of the ingredients sets off a chain reaction inside the cerebral cavity. Before you know it, you find yourself entering into a state of pizza ecstasy,” added the reporter.

Read all the reviews here