Branded Louis Vuitton luxury waffle maker

In the mood for Louis Vuitton branded waffles? The dream of the Louis Vuitton soft waffles is still an utopia, but Los Angeles-based artist Andrew Lewicki (born 1983) imagined such an elegant device in his kitchen/workshop. The sculpture plays with the paradoxes of modern life.

The artistic luxury waffle maker is made with teflon coated aluminum, enamel on aluminum sheet and generic waffle maker parts.

“I love corny jokes, and enjoy witty humor and puns. I also get obsessed with materials and methods of fabrication and manufacturing. I am a huge design buff with a cruel spell of OCD, and I think that tends to shine through in my artwork,” the artist explained his sources of inspiration.

Andrew Lewicki is known for works like “Oreo Manhole Cover”, “Concrete Legos”, “two untitled concrete paintings” (2006), “accordion obscura” (2010), or a gold-plated skate rail (2007).